Knowledge Base3417Discontinuation | Intrexx 21.03
End of life, Intrexx 21.03
1) MySQL
Description of the feature that will be discontinued
Support for the MySQL database

Description for replacement
There is no substitute. For the basic installation postgresSQL remains the recommended open source database

2) Pin Board Portlet
Description of the feature that will be discontinued
The Pinboard Portlet will not be included from this version on.

Description for replacement
A custom application collecting the information that was displayed in the pinboard portlet

3) Galerie Typ A & B
Description of the feature that will be discontinued
Right now there are 2 gallery types A & B. From 21.03 on they will be discontinued and replaced by a new gallery.

Description for replacement
The new gallery that is in the product from 20.03 on. Old galleries will be patched to the new one.

4) FreeBSD
Description of the feature that will be discontinued
Support for the operating system FreeBSD

Description for replacement
There is no substitute.

Intrexx Version:

  • unspecific

Stand von:18-03-2020