Knowledge Base3102Solr | Reconfigure search configurations and cores/collections
This article describes how to regenerate Intrexx search configurations and how Solr cores/collections can be reconfigured.
If you are having problems with your search, this article can help fix these problems by completely regenerating all search cores and indexes.

Points 1-4 describe how the search configuration can be regenerated to fix any potential problems in the configuration.
Points 5-9 then describe the complete reconstruction of the Solr cores and the re-indexing of all search indexes.

So that the Solr Server can function correctly, ample memory (RAM) and processing power (CPU) is required.
If you are deploying a portal and a Solr Server, we recommend (with default settings) 16GB RAM and a 4-core processor. If other software and/or a database is also run on the same server, then the server needs to be upgraded accordingly.
Before starting, you should clear the Solr portal directories. The data required by Solr is stored in the Intrexx installation directory solr/server/solr/<Portal GUID>. When a portal is deleted, this directory is not deleted at the same time because Solr continues to work with the data it contains (even though the portal has been deleted).

Every portal has its own directory in <Intrexx installation>/solr/server/solr/, which is defined by the portal GUID. To ensure that you delete the correct directory, you can check which portals with which GUIDs are still active in <Intrexx installation>/cfg/service.cfg. All other GUID directories are no longer active and can therefore be deleted. The Solr service (in the Windows services) needs to be stopped beforehand. If an existing Solr portal directory is deleted by mistake, you can restore the data easily by following points 8 and 9 in this article.

Please follow the steps below:

1. Because the cores/collections are stored in directories, which carry the name of the portal GUID, you need to know what your portal’s GUID is before you start. You can find this in the service.cfg file or the respective portal.cfg file in <portal>/internal/cfg/portal.cfg. Please open this file only with a UTF-8-capable editor, such as Notepad++ (s. portal-cfg.png).

2. The Solr service (in the Windows services) needs to be stopped before deleting the current cores/collections.

3. Delete the corresponding Solr portal directory in the Intrexx installation directory solr/server/solr/<Portal GUID>.

4. Restart the Solr service (in the Windows services).

5. Close all Intrexx Managers.

6. Delete the current search configurations
- All files and folders except the “.keep” file need to be deleted in the directory <portal>\internal\search\solr\configurations.

7. Reconstruct the search configurations
- This is executed by the file publish_all_app_inkl_searchconf_and_prozess.bat (attached). Please download the file and adjust the paths according to your installation.

Points 1 and 2 need to point to your Intrexx installation directory and points 3 and 4 to your portal directory. Point 5 is very important in this case (--publish-search-configurations) and this ensures that the search configurations are published (s. publish_all_app_inkl_searchconf_and_prozess.png). Please make sure to execute the Batch file by right-clicking on it and selecting “Run as administrator”.

8. Reconstruct Solr cores
- Please reconstruct all cores/collections in the Intrexx Portal Manager / Tools / Search / Solr Search Server (s. Cores and collections.png). If there are problems at this point, you may need to reconstruct the cores/collections one after the other. Make sure that there is a green checkmark next to each core/collection. If you cannot reconstruct them one after the other, then you need to redelete the directory <installation>/solr/server/solr/<Portal GUID> to restart the process.

9. Reconstruct search indexes
- Afterwards, you need to reconstruct all search indexes via the Task scheduler in the Intrexx Portal Manager tools. Please make sure not to start all indexing jobs at the same time. You can by all means start 3-10 indexing jobs at the same time, but you need to make sure the Solr Server can process these (with the memory available).

Start the following jobs (s. Indexing.png):
- All application indexers
- All file indexing jobs
- Share feed index maintenance
- Tagging search/posts search index maintenance
- MenuCloud link maintenance

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Stand von:09-01-2020