Knowledge Base1864Intrexx | Data Protection, Snapshots and Backups
What should a data backup of Intrexx look like?
When does this become necessary?
In the simplest version, your Intrexx Server is based on a VM solution and you can thus create snapshots as desired. This is especially recommended in the case of an update (software update) or an upgrade (version change). Should a problem occur in these cases, you can quickly and easily reset the entire system and thus your data.

For the backup of your data you should also fall back on a proven solution, talk to your IT department about this, a professional data backup is indispensable. The Intrexx server (the portal directory), the database server, and all external file storage locations must be backedup. It is important that the database, Intrexx and the file storage locations have the same level; for this, it must be ensured that no changes are made to the Intrexx or the data assets between the backups. Likewise, depending on the data backup system, it may be necessary that the Intrexx services be terminated in advance, so that the backup system can access all data.

A portal export from Intrexx is not a sufficient data backup. It is nevertheless advisable, in addition to the data backup, to have portal exports created time-controlled, since, depending on the situation, a reset of the entire system (Intrexx server, data bank server, as well as possible data servers) might not be possible or might not be necessary.

Depending on the situation, there are therefore different possibilities for a restore.
Create regular full backups of the entire system for a sustainable backup of your data and your Intrexx portal. Protect current states from online updates or upgrades with quick and efficient snapshots. Keep application statuses, process versions, or layouts through Intrexx exports in order to be able to fall back on functional versions. Create regular portal exports for emergencies; these can become helpful if necessary.

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Stand von:08-06-2022